Euntes Ergo Docete Omnes Gentes
‘Going out, therefore, teach all nations.’

- Matthew 28:19

Photography by India Crawford-Legg 

   Looking West. Preparing for the leap. 1952. Found photograph.

Euntes Ergo Docete was a one day performance attempted for the event Place03: Pastoral in the West End of Glasgow, in 2008.

Sited at the top of Trinity Tower - the bell tower of the former Glasgow University School of Divinity, and now a redeveloped collection of private residences - I intended on tethering a helium filled weather balloon to the tower's metal balustrade, and spend the following six hours leaning my arms up towards the fleshy dirigible in an extended gesture of gripping desire.

The audience, gathered on a patch of parkland in the nearby area, watched as a sudden change of wind direction swung the ascending balloon back against the tower, emitting a flaccid 'pop' as it burst. The performance ended before it could begin.

“Nothing seems to me the most potent thing in the world.” Some time after the event I was invited to contribute a scene of a screenplay that would form a publication and online exhibition of work relating to the title I Wonder What Robert Barry is Thinking Right Now. My divine gaseous exchange seemed appropriate to the theme. The exhibition is yet to be realised.


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